We just found out this week that we're having a baby, and can't wait to start telling family and friends! We're both so excited, with a fair share of nervousness mixed in. We're waiting until Christmas to tell everyone, so for now, our lips are sealed!
No signs of morning sickness yet (thank goodness)! In fact, the only day Christina felt anything was earlier this week when a "yucky" feeling that wouldn't go away made one of her friends ask if she was pregnant. She took a test to be sure, and, in fact, she was! Justin was truly surprised when she woke him up at 7 a.m. to show him the positive pregnancy test.
Baby Ziggy is about the size of a small sesame seed this week and looks like a tiny tadpole. The cells are forming for his major organs, and his neural tube is beginning to develop, from which will sprout his brain, spinal cord, nerves and backbone. His heart and circulatory system are beginning to form this week and his tiny heart will begin beating soon.
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