Ziggy hit the 2-inch mark this week, growing to about the size of a small lime, and weighing about a half and ounce. She's almost tripled in size in just the past three weeks! Her face starts to look less alien this week as her eyes, which started out on the sides of her head, are moving closer together on her face, and her ears near their final positions on either side of her tiny head. Her nerve cells are multiplying rapidly and the neurological pathways in her brain are forming. Ziggy's developed quite a few more reflexes by now, including sucking, and apparently she'll now squirm a little, open her mouth and even move her fingers and toes if we prod Christina's abdomen (although we still won't feel any movement for a number of weeks).
Ziggy's growth is becoming more and more obvious outside the womb as well. We were amazed at how much Christina's belly seemed to grow just over the past week! (Though we know she's still got a lot of growing left to do...)
We also hit another milestone this week. The following is an exerpt from a morning in the Fishers' closet:
Christina: Grrrrrr....
Justin: Whatcha doing there, babe?
Christina: Buttoning my pants. (More grunting)
Justin: Do you need some help?
Christina: No, I've got it. They're just a little snug.
Justin: Do we need to get you some bigger pants?
Christina: No, it's not that I can't button them. They're just more comfortable if I don't.
It'll be time for maternity clothes soon enough. For now we've successfully added an inch to Christina's pants with the help of a rubberband.
Christina's been fighting a cold all week, so please pray that she'll heal quickly and be back to normal. The good news is that Ziggy doesn't feel a thing--she's taken over the majority of Christina's immune system and is nice and snug and healthy inside her little womb.
Please continue to pray for Ziggy's normal, healthy development. Now that we've heard the heartbeat and seen her little movements, we're more excited than ever, but realize just how delicate this little life is. It's still amazing to read about how much she's growing and changing from week to week. Please pray with us that God will continue to oversee her healthy development and that Christina will be over this cold quickly.
In His grip,
Justin, Christina and Ziggy :)
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