To continue the tradition of comparing our child to various food items, Ziggy is about the size of a lemon this week--roughly 3 1/2 inches head to bottom--and weighs about 1 1/2 ounces. Her body is finally starting to grow faster than her oversized head, and she's got a more well-defined neck at this point. Ziggy's finally starting to looks like a pretty normal human! By the end of this week, her arms will have lengthened out and will be in proportion to the rest of her little body. Her legs still have a ways to go. Christina still can't feel the baby's movements yet, but Ziggy's hands and feet (which are about half an inch long!) are very active. Brain impulses are also causing her little facial muscles to work hard too, as she squints, frowns, and grimaces. She can grasp now, too, and may even be sucking her thumb inside the womb.
Healthwise, Christina is doing great. She's swimming and excercising regularly (the FitMama salsa workout was a great gift from a mom of four at church) and she and Justin are both enjoying the fruit smoothies they've perfected for breakfast. The early-pregnancy exhaustion is a thing of the past, and mom-to-be is happy to have her energy level back to normal.
In fact, now that we think about it, this has been a pretty easy pregnancy so far. (Please pray that that would continue!) Christina's had no real morning sickness to speak of, no weird food cravings (she always craved ice cream anyway...), and the first trimester passed incident-free. We're thankful for how smoothly things have gone and pray that this would be a trend throughout the remainder of the pregnancy--only 26 weeks to go!
It really is incredible to be a part of this miracle, and we're humbled when we stop to think that God's using us to bring a child into this world. What a tremendous gift little Ziggy already is! Please pray that God would prepare us for the responsibility of raising this little one, and that we would be able to show our baby His love from day one.
Loving this miracle,
Justin, Christina and Ziggy :)
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