Ziggy's growth is slowing down this week, though her development is still charging forward. She's about 5 1/2 inches long (about the length of a large sweet potato) and weighs almost 7 ounces. Ziggy's busy flexing her arms and legs, movements that we should be noticing the in the next few weeks! Her blood vessels are still visible through her thin skin, and her ears have moved into their final position on the sides of her head. Whether Ziggy's a boy or girl is still a mystery to us, but all the reproductive organs are formed and in place already.
Maternity clothes have become a must now, and Christina is happy to report that there are a number of very fashionable options out there for her growing middle. (She's a little confused, however, as to why the makers of maternity pants and skirts don't seem to think that pregnant women need real pockets in their clothing.) Justin is having a ball watching this belly grow and both mom and dad are eagerly waiting until we'll be able to feel Ziggy moving.
We have been so blessed so far with the ease of this pregnancy. Each week as we countdown to Ziggy's arrival, we continue to be amazed at just how smoothly everything is going. Please continue to pray for for an easy, healthy pregnancy. Your prayers are being answered!
Christina will spend the morning of her 25th birthday at another doctor's appointment next week where we'll get to hear the baby's heartbeat again. Then it's just a few more days until we find out whether we should be stocking up on Matchbox cars or baby dolls!
Please pray that Christina will be able to eat well, and eat enough, to keep the two of them healthy and gain the right amount of weight over the next few months. She's on the low end of the weight-gain spectrum right now, which is not a cause for concern, but pray that she would know when and what to eat to help this baby continue to develop well.
Lovin' (the miracle of) life,
Justin, Christina and Ziggy :)
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