Abby's looking more like a miniature newborn now--almost 11 inches long and weighing a little less than a pound. Her lips are becoming more distinct now and the first signs of teeth are appearing as buds beneath her gum line. Her eyes are fully developed, though her eyelids will remain fused shut for a while longer.
The belly expansion seems to have picked up this week, a trend that should continue to gain in momentum up until Abby's born. Though it's nowhere near as large as it will be, Christina's already starting to notice little inconveniences, such as being pushed just a few inches farther away from the sink when she washes dishes.
Abby must have known how excited we were to finally get to feel her little kicks in the womb last week. It seems as if she hasn't stopped moving since last Wednesday! We still only get the occasional "thump" from our little girl, but she's been on the move almost continually for a week now--rolling from side to side, turning over, and doing whatever else babies do in the womb to keep themselves entertained during their last few months in utero. When she does hold still, she has a bad habit of resting on whatever nerve or blood vessel provides feeling to Christina's right foot and leg. Usually a little prodding of the belly can get her out of the way so Christina can have the feeling back and walk around. Abby's proving to be a fiesty fetus!
Thank you for your continued prayers for our little one and for a healthy pregnancy. God is most certainly answering them! This continues to be a very easy pregnancy for mom and baby, and we thank for you praying with us that that would continue. Please pray also that as we're working on getting Abby's room ready and thinking about all the details involved in bringing a newborn into our home that we wouldn't forget to prepare our hearts as well for this awesome calling.
In awe of this mystery,
Justin, Christina and Abby :)
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