Abby's growing steadily, gaining about a quarter of a pound since last week. She's almost a foot long, and still weighs less than a pound and a half, which makes for a pretty lean figure, but her body is filling out proportionally and she'll begin putting on some baby fat soon. Her taste buds are developing, her brain is growing rapidly, and her lungs are producing a substance that will help the air sacs inflate easily when she takes her first breath.
Abby's growth is becoming ever more obvious to the outside world as Christina's belly continues to expand to make room for our little girl. Her waistline measured in at 36 inches this week--that's a whole inch and a half in gain since last week! But it makes sense, since her uterus is about the size of a soccer ball now.
Abby's been very active in the womb this week, and we'll admit that the strength of her little kicks makes it easier to think of her as a star soccer player than a helpless little baby. Seeing an eight-week-old little girl at the coffee shop last night helped put things in perspective as to how tiny she's going to be when she's born. But boy is she strong now! A friend at church told Christina that a baby's fetal personality often gives a glimpse into what she'll be like as she gets a little older. If so, we've got a little ball of fire on our hands!
Please pray for rest for us both in these few remaining weeks as Abby's nighttime activity has picked up and is making for a few sleepless nights. We thank you for your continued prayers for our baby girl's healthy growth and development, and for an easy pregnancy for Christina. Praise God that as we read about and study pictures of what Abby's development might look like right now, He knows every little detail of everything that's happening in Christina's womb. What a hopeful reassurance to know that our daughter's heavenly Father is looking out for her!
Growing in grace (and girth),
Justin, Christina and Abby :)
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