It's just a matter of time now until Abby makes her big debut! With all her major development completed, she's just packing on fat now until she's born. She's probably reached what will be close to her final birth weight and length and really doesn't have any big milestones left until her birthday!
Meanwhile, we're anxiously waiting for the day when we'll be able to climb into the car and head to the hospital. The Braxton Hicks contractions are getting more intense as they prepare Christina's body for the real thing, just like the doctor said they would, and will continue to do so until Christina goes into real labor. Sleeping is getting more and more difficult for both mom and dad as Christina's increased weight and girth make it harder for her to get settled into a comfortable position at night. (And the frequent trips to the bathroom certainly aren't conducive to a good night's rest, either. She did set a new record this week, though: 11 pit stops in 10 hours!)
All signs were good at our most recent doctor's appointment--praise God for nine months of good reports! Christina's body is showing signs of progressing towards labor, so it's just a matter of time until we get to meet our little girl. We'll return to the doctor this afternoon for another weekly appointment. It's hard to believe in just a short time we won't have to wait a week at a time to hear a little heartbeat--we'll actually be able to hear Abby cry, coo and make all the little noises that babies are famous for!
Thanks to everyone who has been following our progress and praying for a healthy pregnancy. Christina has to remind herself that even though these last few weeks have certainly been the hardest, this pregnancy has, overall, been a very pleasant experience. We are so blessed to be able to be a part of the miracle of God's creation and look forward to raising our daughter up to know and love and be in awe of His great works--of which she is certainly one! Please pray for the doctors, nurses and midwives who will attend Abby's delivery and for patience for us as we continue to wait on Abby.
Still waiting,
Justin, Christina and Abby :)
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