We were really hoping to not have to do this update...
It's been an exciting week at the Fisher household as we've waited anxiously and impatiently for our little girl to arrive. Some very regular (although mild) contractions started Sunday night, but after speaking with a midwife at the hospital, we decided to stay home and sleep through the night, assured that if it was really labor, Christina would wake up. We slept soundly through the night however, and headed in to the doctor's office to get checked out when the contractions picked up slightly after Christina got up Monday morning. Alas, we were sent home, but told that we were in what is known as early labor. (Early labor, we now know, can last anywhere from hours to weeks.) Excited that Christina's body seemed to be on track to push out little Abby soon, we headed home to wait.
And wait we have. All week long.
Justin, the voice of reason, is encouraging with his reminders that Abby will come when she's ready, that God is in control, and that Christina will not miss it when she goes into labor. Christina remains in a foul mood, a result of having her hopes dashed each morning when she wakes up to find she has not gone into labor overnight, and of this sweltering Atlanta heat.
We're off to another check up this afternoon and are hoping to find that Christina's body is continuing to progress toward real labor. A week of contractions with no results is quite frustrating indeed.
Please pray for patience for the two of us as we continue to wait on Abby to arrive. Pray that Christina will find ways to occupy her mind and not go crazy sitting around hoping to go into labor. And thank you for continuing to pray for a healthy baby and a healthy delivery (when the time comes...)
Still waiting,
Justin, Christina & Abby :)
She'll be here before you know it, and you'll probably wonder how you ever lived without her. :) Love you!