First, some holiday fun --
click here to check out our dance moves! (It takes a while to load, so be patient. And be sure to turn your speakers on!)
Now back to your weekly Abby update...

We've decked the halls and have found we have a new source of entertainment for our little girl who's so fond of looking at lights: the Christmas tree! Our boring old lamps will never capture her interest quite like they did before she saw the imitation Douglas Fir growing in her living room covered in multi-colored lights. Now if only I could make them blink...

Abby's becoming much more purposeful in her movements, grabbing toys that are put in front of her and moving her fingers to her mouth when she wants to suck on something. She's also developed a new interest in trying to sit up, which seems to frustrate her since the best she can do is lift her head up. She still lacks the ab strength to pull her upper body into a sitting position, but when we offer her our fingers to pull up on, she's all smiles. This has turned into a game we've nicknamed "Up and Abby," and it keeps her entertained for minutes on end.
We've been experimenting with some new toys to see if we can expand her horizons beyond the floor jungle and her crib mobile. The exersaucer, as you can see above, proved far too much fun for our little one, and after a few minutes of banging at the toys, she simply passed out from all the excitement.
Abby's starting to do a lot more "talking" now too! Her grunts and cries are evolving into more vocal sounds, and sometimes we'll catch her laying in her crib or sitting in her high chair making the most adorable noises in her conversation with herself. We've tried to catch it on video, but every time our chatterbox sees the camera she stops making noise and stares intently at whoever is attempting to film her.
We tried for three days to take a family picture for our Christmas card, but getting a 3-month-old to hold still while we wait for the timer on the camera to go off proved to be a pretty difficult task. We did end up with some cute pictures of her with one or the other of us though.

Merry Christmas!
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