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Friday, February 29, 2008

Things I love about being a mom

That pins and needles feeling I get from my shoulder to my fingertips doesn't matter one bit when my daughter is asleep in my arms...

I'm a very busy person. I don't mean to imply that I necessarily accomplish a lot of tasks or complete a lot of projects...I just seem to always be doing something. And lately, I seem to be rushing to get whatever that something is done before Abby wakes up, or while she's entertaining herself. I've joked with Justin that I don't like down time, but for the most part that proves to be a true statement. I don't know what to do with myself when I have nothing to do, or when I'm forced to relax. And even when I am relaxing -- whether watching a movie with the hubby, or reading a book, or riding in the car, or sitting here typing this -- I have this annoying habit of picking at my drives Justin (and my dad, now that I think of it) absolutely nuts. But I can't help it...I'm constantly in motion, and I have to be doing something with my hands or I go crazy.

But a sweet moment with Abby brought all that to a screeching halt last night. She was having one of those days, as we all do once in a while, and with bedtime still more than two hours away, she was beginning to get a little cranky. I tried playing with her, but that just irritated her even more. She would have nothing to do with dancing, and stories of pigs and parties and big red dogs were of no interest. So I put my glider to use and decided to rock her a little to see if I could settle her down.

She was quiet within seconds, and it took her only a minute more to fall into a deep sleep. And so she slept, with my left arm contorted around her little body to support her and my right arm gently rubbing her back, for a half an hour, the last 20 minutes of which my left arm was completely numb. But none of that mattered, because I had the most beautiful view to distract me of Abby's sweet face, perfectly peaceful, resting on my shoulder, her body relaxed and heavy against my chest. And our camera, which is forever snapping pictures of our adorable daughter doing adorable things, was tucked away downstairs with no one to capture the moment. But that's ok, because I'll never forget it.

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