We arrived to find the usually calm atmosphere of the little coffee shop seriously disrupted by a bunch of toddler-aged groupies sporting Rocknocerous t-shirts and Bono sunglasses (indoors, 'cause they're that cool).
It was quite a show, and I honestly couldn't tell you who enjoyed it more: the moms or the kids. It was a rock concert all right, scaled down and rated G for the five and under crowd, complete with screaming fans, electric guitar, and shout outs to the audience.
Afterward, we stood in line so the Abbys could take their picture with Williebob, the guitarist who looks kinda like an Ewok. Abby Jean was fascinated by his hair. Abby Mae was too distracted by her psychedelic puppy to notice. Neither was as excited as they should have been to be that close to a real live rock star.
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