We've reached that point in our boxes of baby stuff where the baby shower gifts are waning. Faced with the prospect of having to actually spend money to buy clothes for our fast-growing daughter, I did what my momma taught me to do, and spent a Saturday morning updating her wardrobe in small bills and loose change at a neighborhood yard sale. I hit the jackpot, bringing home an assortment of toys and clothes for Abby, and a hammock that got thrown in by my shopping buddy that will eventually find a home in our backyard.

The best deal of the day seems to be this tot-sized Fisher-Price piano that I picked up for about a buck. Abby loves the light up keys and the little bench she can sit on. As an added bonus, this little contraption seems to provide just the right amount of leverage and stability needed to make standing up a tangible goal for our almost 9 month old little girl.
Check out
this video to see some of her musical stylings, and to find out about the inspiration behind her talent.
So, who is this toy for? Abby or Justin?