Two wallpaper borders you hate.
A couple of feet into what will soon be Abby's room, the previous owners decided it was too much trouble to tear down the teddy bear border, and instead opted to simply wallpaper over it with a larger floral border of their own. And while the teddy bears are kind of cute (in a 1995 builder-grade nursery decor sort of way) I've got big dreams for this room that don't include bears dancing gleefully on its walls.
I'm happy to report that Abby's morning nap left me just enough time to erase all traces of both tacky borders, and her walls are now prepped for some pink and green paint action. She may be walking by the time we get it done, but one of these days, this little girl's going to have a nursery!
When we started redoing our master bathroom, we stripped the first layer of floral paper (circa 1994?) to find some mallard paper that was of the old Nintendo Duckhunt variety. Nasty stuff, I tell you!