I woke up this morning with every intention of getting some big ticket items crossed off of my to-do list; namely, undecorating the living room. Unfortunately, I'm finding my task fairly impossible to complete, seeing as I have this little munchkin running around with a mind of her own, full of goals that are in direct opposition to mine.

She has thouroughly enjoyed Christmas and all the trimmings. Each morning she toddles into the living room and asks for the lights to be turned on on the the Christmas tree, then proceeds to point out the star ("dar"), snowmen ("sno-no"), Santas ("ho ho ho"), and every ball, candy cane and other ornament that adorns it. So when she caught me removing these objects from the tree...well, let's just say that didn't go over well with my daughter.
For every ornament I remove from the tree, she puts two back in it. Not on it...IN it. She doesn't understand how to hang them, so she simply takes the ornaments I've removed from the tree and crams them in between the branches for me to search for. We have a number of guitar and M & M shaped covers that snap onto the lights on the tree. Once I had found and removed all of them, she displayed her disdain by shaking the bag I had put them in upside down until she got it open, then proceeded to stuff those back in the tree as well.

After neatly wrapping all our breakable ornaments in tissue paper, I looked for the little cardboard box I was putting them into only to find that Abby had emptied that as well and was filling it with assorted stuffed ducks to prevent me from putting anything else in it.

Oh, and my Rubbermaid box lids have proved their durability this morning, since Abby has decided that rather than use them to close up my Christmas boxes until next year, it is much more fun to run toward a lid that has been left on the floor and dive onto it, resulting in an approximate 1-4 foot slide across our hard wood floors (depending on the velocity of the dive).
It's been slow going this morning...
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