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Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Never too young

Teaching a toddler about the world around her is a full time job. And it's of utmost importance to us that our kids understand more than primary colors and how to stack I've started, probably a little early, to try to impart some basic Bible truths to our 20-month-old.

So far every time I ask her "Abby, who made you?" she answers with "Mommy." Which is pretty smart, if you think about it...but the answer I'm looking for is "God." I was beginning to get discouraged, but I understand God is sort of a lofty abstract idea for a toddler, so I started telling her about how God made everything (Mommy, Daddy, Caleb, Abby, flowers, puppies, etc.) and how God is our Father in Heaven.

She was listening with uncommonly rapt attention, so I tried a new question that I hadn't asked before:

"Abby, where do we learn about God?"

My daughter's genius response: "Bible!"

She's starting to get the picture. Farewell, discouragement!

1 comment:

  1. Hrmm, you could always start doing catechism questions. I think Shannon was about 3 when we got ours and started doing it consistently during family worship. Its pretty much the same as the one here:

    MG started shortly after she was 2 answering a few of them, just from hearing them every night. I know they don't have a real understanding now, but they just suck stuff up at this age - may as well be stuff that will help them later on!
