After we made our letter B butterfly, I had Abby point to all the letters in the word and read them to me. She knows all the letters of the alphabet, so she did great with that activity, but it took her a little longer to get that all those letters together made up the word "butterfly" as well. Abby correctly identified the word a number of times when we practiced later, but she also says butterfly when she sees other big words that begin with a B, so I'm not convinced she's got this word nailed down yet. Oh, and since she insists on pronouncing it "bubbafwy," we worked on enunciating the "T" sounds in some of her words too. Now with some gentle reminders, we can get her to say "buh-ta-fly" and "wa-ter" correctly.
She's improving daily at telling us what words start with by sounding them out. ("What does baby start with?" "buh-buh-baby, buh-buh-B!") Oh, and since it was letter B week, I decided it was time for her to stop calling bananas "nanas." So I practiced with her by singing the "Bananaphone" song ad nauseum, and I got my wish. Now she no longer calls them "nanas," but refers to them as "bananaphones" instead. Can't win 'em all...
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