Blog Archive

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Learning is fun: Letter E

Our letter E craft took a while for me to come up with, but I think I found a winner. We got a little creative and turned a giant letter E on its side and had Abby glue down pieces of pink foam to create this Letter E Elephant. (Justin got in on the alphabet action this week by helping me cut out the pieces of foam so that they fit together like a puzzle.)

When possible (as it was this week), I try to lay out our craft so that Abby can see what the finished product should look like. As soon as she sat down at the table, I showed her the letter E, then laid out the foam pieces so she could see the elephant.

"Noah?" she asked, referring to one of her favorite Bible stories.

"Yeah, Noah took two elephants on his boat," I replied.

"Find elephant!" she insisted, so we climbed down from the table and headed into the playroom to find her Noah's ark toy and retrieve an elephant. Then, and only then, could we proceed with our craft.

She had fun practicing the "eh" sound and singing the "E says 'eh'" song from her letter magnet toy. She can sing the whole alphabet song now, and insists on singing it pretty much all day long. It's cute, and I'm very impressed with her memorization skills and tonal quality...but boy am I getting tired of that song.


  1. Those songs can be infectious! Evanda still frequently sings the "get on board the animal train" song we picked up at your house.

  2. We banished that toy to the basement shortly after you left...
