Blog Archive

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Give peas a chance

There is some sort of supernatural phenomenon taking place at our dinner table.

What other explanation is there for the fact that Spike has gained almost 20 pounds in almost a year on a diet that consists primarily of chicken nuggets, Chedder cheese and canned peas that he eats one at a time? Add in the fact that his first four months of life were sustained entirely on a liquid diet, and I think we call his chubbiness nothing short of a miracle.

1 comment:

  1. he is so adorable! i remember the day i heard you had Caleb. I was so jealous, awaiting Daniel's arrival as well. I had followed your pregnancy via your blog, since we were so close in due dates. Happy Birthday, Caleb!
    I think it is so funny that our boys are so big. Would you believe that Daniel is over 27 lbs??!? not sure how that happened since his favorite foods are steamed spinach, canned pumpkin, green beans, and scrambled eggs. i think their chubbiness is adorable!
    congrats on surviving another "first year"! :)
