Whereas our little girl at this age would crawl over to the bookshelf and select a few books to look through, carefully turning the pages and examining their contents, Caleb has a slightly different methodology.
He prefers to crawl full speed across the room and crash headfirst into the bookshelf. He has this pesky habit of crawling so fast and getting so excited about what he's after that his hind end fails to stop when his front end does. This results in his head landing squarely on the ground in front of whatever he was after as his bottom flies up in the air. He thinks it's hilarious, and has a permanent red mark on his forehead to show for it.
Once he's righted himself, he proceeds to pull every single book off the shelf, two or three at a time, and toss them behind him. Once the shelf has been emptied of every piece of reading material , he falls back into it and begins to select his subject matter.
Trucks? No, not right now. Crash! The truck book flies to his right and bounces off the ball pit.
Madeline? Nah, looks too girly. Boom! He flings it to the left and it falls to the ground.
Dinosaurs? Not right now. Bang! He tosses it over his shoulder and into the plastic piano.
Baby Einstein? Yeah...I don't think I've ripped all the flaps off the lift-the-flap pages yet. This one will do just fine.
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