Seeing this little blob of a person bobbing around on that ultrasound screen is officially one of the happiest moments of my life. Just two months ago, I experienced the exact opposite emotions, and they still creep up at times. But now, the Lord has turned my mourning into dancing as we celebrate this promise of new life and anticipate our life with the newest member of the family of fish.
God has brought me unspeakable joy through my calling as a mother and this growing family He's blessed me with. To Him be the glory and honor forever and ever. I continue to pray for all of my children that their lives will glorify their Father in heaven. They are His, after all. And as this little life forms inside of me, I'm reminded again of the blessing, the joy and the responsibility of being able to care for His little ones.
Welcome to the family, Critter.
You DO need to get your OGDDDP! Sadly, they don't work for me. Waaaayyy off for the last one. Maybe someone who's not Gary would do a better job. Does Justin want to give it a shot?