Three months in I'm finally starting to "pop." I may be ready to admit defeat soon and unpack that box of maternity clothes again. For his part (my fetus is taking the male pronoun this week, for simplicity's sake), Critter is about the size of a small lime now and probably weighs about a half an ounce. He's starting to look less like the alien we saw on the first ultrasound, and during part of today's ultrasound I could clearly make out tiny arms and legs moving around and a little head bobbing.
Abby and Caleb are continuing to debate the sex of this new little one. On our way out of the doctor's office, we had this conversation:
Me: "Abby, do you want a baby sister, or a baby brother?"Abby: "A baby sister, please."Me: "What do you think Caleb wants?"Caleb: "Bruba!"
I didn't even know he knew that word, much less that he was following our conversation. Later Abby insisted that I was having puppy instead of a baby. Thankfully, we've got a few months left to straighten her out.
Please pray with us for the continued healthy development of this new baby. Pray for peace for me as I remind myself that God is sovereign over every part of his development. We praise God for this new blessing and can't wait to meet our little Critter in November!
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