I have a confession to make. Week 9 at the preschool of Mommy had less to do with teaching my children anything and more to do with simply getting through the day with three kids. After finding out I was going to be on my own with two toddlers and a one week old, I realized I needed a plan if I was going to make it to lunch without losing my mind (or one of the children). I'd planned to take a break from preschool while we settled in with Jacob, but decided that having some organized activities was better than just wandering aimlessly around the house chasing down toddlers.
So I pulled out my giant preschool notebook, stole some craft ideas from other creative mommies, and mapped out my day in 30 minute increments. It worked like a charm. The kids had a blast, as always, and were hardly fazed by the addition of our newest pupil (who slept through most of the morning, thankfully). They loved having Jacob join them for story time, and Abby was deeply concerned that he couldn't work on crafts or play play-doh with them.
All in all, Preschool Lite + Newborn went surprisingly well. Caleb really got into his watermelon letter w craft this week, and we worked on counting to ten as he sorted and added "seeds" to his creation. He's great at counting out loud to ten, but doesn't quite understand the concept of applying a single number to each item as he counts. He was perfectly content to yell out "one-do-free-four-five-six-ehven-eight-dine-den" over and over as he pointed randomly at the beans in front of him. He's also become obsessed with being meticulously clean during craft time, which makes working with glue a bit of a challenge. "Nakkin, Mommy?"--his request for a napkin--is the only thing that interrupted his counting.
I am so impressed with how you're handling your three - and I thought that two was hard! :-) Two of ML's favorites these days are the Gingerbread Man and The Princess and the Pea... I love keeping up with your sweet, growing family!