Yet another reason why home preschool is awesome: If we want a snow day, we take one.
Our preschool activities were cut short this week, preempted by some flurries that resulted in two very excited toddlers and one ambivalent baby.
But before the weather outside got frightful, we squeezed in this week's letter craft, a letter n nativity scene that made an enormous mess in my kitchen and was, therefore, a huge hit with my kids. (As she glued straw to her "stable," Abby wisely pointed out that hay starts with the letter h, not the letter n. It took a little convincing, but eventually she was on board with my nativity idea.) This introduction of the word nativity into her vocabulary led to the drawing of a few hundred nativity scenes of her own throughout the week. Most of her pictures include both a baby Jesus and a baby Abby in the manger, along with Mary, Joseph, Mommy, Daddy, and typically, off to the side, a map to Bethlehem, in case they get lost.

Abby continues to gain confidence with her letters, and has found a new favorite activity in crafting words out of her play doh. Mostly, she works on her first and last name, but with some gentle urging she'll put together letters to spell out some of her sight words as well.
And as always, we spent lots of time coloring and practicing writing lowercase letters. More specifically, Abby colored and practiced lowercase letters while Caleb took all the blank paper I gave him and laid it out on the floor to make a choo-choo train and Jacob did calisthenics in his bouncy seat.And with that, I'm declaring us officially on Christmas break. The School of Mommy will resume in January.
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