We came away from our homeschool group's
field trip to a nearby family farm much wiser than when we arrived. Abby learned that a one ton bull named Sirloin is not an animal you want to mess with. Jacob learned that if you throw your lunch out of the stroller in the middle of a chicken coop, you're not getting it back. And Caleb learned that if a goat spits out the apple you're trying to feed him, you should not pick it up out of the dirt and eat it for him. (This lesson came a few hours later.)
It was not quite the agritainment that we've grown accustomed to with our farm visits. There were no hay slides, no buckets of animal feed for purchase, and no giant bouncy houses. It was just a big old family farm, and we got the private tour from the farmer and his wife.
They even took our rowdy bunch on a hay ride. Although Farmer Bray did spend a good deal of time looking over his shoulder for cops. Apparently they hate it when he drives a tractor full of kids down a main road.
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