If you give the kids a stray kitten, they're going to ask you for some food.
When you give them something to feed it, they're going to need a bowl to put it in.
When you put the bowl of food on the floor and the kitten starts to eat, the kids will crowd around it. They'll begin to pet it, and the kitten will begin to purr.
Hearing the kitten purr will remind them of the kitten at Nana and Granddaddy's house.
They'll remember how much that kitten liked to chase string. So, they'll ask you for some yarn.
And when you give them the yarn, they'll run through the house trailing it behind them.
The kitten will chase it. He'll leap and run and slide, and the kids (and their dad) will have so much fun, that they'll quite forget...
This isn't our cat.
When you remind them that it isn't our cat, they'll ask whose cat it is, and why it's in our house.
Good question, you'll reply.
You'll tell them that you found the cat trapped on the screened porch this morning. It must have gone there to get out of the big storm last night, you'll say.
You'll remind them that the cat (who is not ours) needs to go back outside so it can find its way home.
When she follows it outside, Abby will realize how very cold it is. So she'll want to make the cat a little place to stay warm.
You'll have to find towels to make a bed, and she'll tuck the cat in under them, where it will promptly fall asleep.
You'll realize this cat has no intention of going home anytime soon.
So you'll call the neighbors, and eventually someone will claim the cat.
When the owner comes to retrieve it, she'll thank the kids for taking such good care of her lost kitten.
When they realize the cat is leaving, the kids will cry. So you'll comfort them with blankies and snuggles.
And chances are, while you're giving them those snuggles, they're going to ask you for a kitten.