Blog Archive

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Comfy reading chair

She has her own way of doing things. And I love that about her.

I also love the amount of patience she has for this particular little brother. It far surpasses the patience she has for the shenanigans of the elder little brothers, for reasons I have yet to understand. There's something really special about the relationship between Abby and Levi, and it's been fun to watch it develop.

When I'm not refereeing battles over Who Took My Stuff, that is.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

The Return of the World's Greatest Play Dough

I had put it off long enough, so I finally caved to their demands for a new batch of play dough.

I kind of owed it to them, after that batch of gluten free play dough I made that will be forever remembered as the worst activity of all time. (FYI: If you see the words "gluten free" and "play dough" together, run screaming. It crumbled. It stuck. And worst of all, it got moldy in storage. That's unforgivable. From now on, we'll just commit to making sure the less gluten-tolerant among us washes his hands when we're done.)

So I whipped up a batch of the The World's Greatest Play Dough, and suddenly remembered why it is wonderful.

For a solid two hours, all four of my children sat (mostly peaceably) at the table, poking and rolling and shaping balls of dough into whatever they could dream up. And while they were at it, we knocked out a history and a science lesson, since they were all seated and quiet and able to hear me read aloud.

You know you want to make some now. Look no further. I'm totally willing to share my secrets.

The World's Greatest Play Dough

Mix together in a fairly large saucepan:
2 cups flour
1 cup salt (put in blender for 1-2 minutes and blend to fine powder)
4 tsp cream of tartar

In a separate bowl, mix together:
2 cups water
2 tbsp cooking oil

Pour liquids over dry ingredients and mix well. Stir constantly for about three minutes over medium heat.

The mixture will be ready when it pulls away from the side of the pan. It will still be lumpy (like mashed potatoes before liquid is added) but will look dry. Allow to cool for about five minutes.

Knead by hand until smooth. Add food coloring while kneading if desired. Store in sealed containers or ziploc bags. Will keep for a long, long time if kept properly sealed, or can be left out to dry for a project.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014


Levi calls her "Abs," just like I do, and it makes for some adorable commentary.

"Hey, Abs," he asks, "I help you scribble math?"

Stuff like this goes on all day long at the Fisher Preparatory Academy for Excellence in Learning.

How she puts up with him is one of life's great mysteries.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Sanity check

These kids can tell when Mommy's about to go nuts.

I know, because just when I think I've had it--when I can't stand the nonsense or the noise for one more second--they go and do something like this, totally on purpose.

The pantsless one, the puppy, and the shark with a colorful candy shell will one day drive me insane. But not today. Today, all I can do is laugh at them.

Sunday, November 2, 2014


Levi knows what's up.

The second Justin started hauling in wood for our first fire of the season, our astute 2-year-old took up his chant.

"Smash-a-mallows! Smash-a-mallows!" he yelled. Alas, Mommy forgot to pick up smashamallows last time she went to the store, so the s'mores will have to wait until next time.

But at least he understands what the true purpose of a fire is.