Blog Archive

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Waitin' on Abby: Week 6

What a miracle this truly is! At just six weeks, our baby already has a beating heart! Ziggy is about the size of a small lentil bean right now, with an oversized head and dark spots where her eyes and nostrils are beginning to take shape. Her tiny arm and leg buds have thick webbing between her developing fingers and toes. Blood is beginning to pump through her tiny body and breathing passages are beginning to form where her lungs will be. Ziggy's beginning to build muscle fibers, and sometime this week she'll start to move her tiny arms and legs.
Christina has been blessed with no morning sickness whatsoever. When asked how she feels, she tells people, "not the least bit pregnant!" She's enjoying having a valid excuse to drink even more milk than usual, and seems to have an unusually strong craving for salty foods. Maybe it's her body's way of helping her cut back on all that sugar. Justin's going to see if maybe she likes pickles now...
We still haven't told everyone our fantastic news yet, but it's been so exciting to watch our friends' reactions when we tell them we're having a baby.
If ever God's grace has been evident in our lives, it is now. We are daily reminded of his sovereignty and provision as we pray for this new little life that is forming inside Christina's body. Though we'd love to do everything we can to ensure this baby is born healthy, that she develops the way she should and is safe in the womb, we can do nothing but pray for her. Our best efforts are nothing compared to God's care. Our love for this little baby doesn't come close to His love for her. God has a plan for little Ziggy, and He knew about this baby long before we did. He knows what our baby needs, and we're trusting Him to equip us to care for this precious little one. We're truly blown away that He has given us one of His children to care for.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Waitin' on Abby: Week 5

We just found out this week that we're having a baby, and can't wait to start telling family and friends! We're both so excited, with a fair share of nervousness mixed in. We're waiting until Christmas to tell everyone, so for now, our lips are sealed!
No signs of morning sickness yet (thank goodness)! In fact, the only day Christina felt anything was earlier this week when a "yucky" feeling that wouldn't go away made one of her friends ask if she was pregnant. She took a test to be sure, and, in fact, she was! Justin was truly surprised when she woke him up at 7 a.m. to show him the positive pregnancy test.
Baby Ziggy is about the size of a small sesame seed this week and looks like a tiny tadpole. The cells are forming for his major organs, and his neural tube is beginning to develop, from which will sprout his brain, spinal cord, nerves and backbone. His heart and circulatory system are beginning to form this week and his tiny heart will begin beating soon.

We're having a baby!

We're having a baby! Congrats to all the soon-to-be grandparents, great-grandparents, aunts and uncles! We hope you'll enjoy watching Christina's belly grow with us as we anticipate the arrival of the newest Fisher.

Thanks for joining us as we countdown to baby Fisher's arrival. Since we don't know what we're having yet (a baby, yes, we know...but we won't find out for a while if we'll be painting the nursery pink or blue), our baby's nickname is Ziggy.