Abby's probably weighing in at about 4 1/2 pounds this week and could be almost 18 inches long at this point! Christina's gaining as well, measuring in at almost 39 inches around this week. Abby's fat layers are rounding her out and her skin is smoother than ever. Her central nervous system and her lungs continue to mature in preparation for life outside the womb. She's still quite active, and her almost constant movements are making it really easy to feel how big she's getting in there. Abby still comes down with a case of hiccups almost daily, and lately they've been more and more volatile--probably because there's so much more of her to shake around in Christina's belly when she's hiccuping.
The fatigue of the first trimester has returned, as all the books said it would. Christina's back to her habit of napping each day after work, which seems to help a lot, but growing a baby is hard work! All the extra weight she's carrying around is seriously affecting Christina's balance and mobility as well. The spring in her step is gone, and slow and steady seems to be the best way to get around now. Abby's riding pretty low in the belly and putting a lot of pressure on Christina's pelvis, but the good side of that is that there's plenty of room up top for her lungs to expand, so the common pregnancy complaint of shortness of breath hasn't been a problem so far.
Abby's having an exciting week with the grandparents. She spent her Sunday afternoon helping mom and dad shoot BB guns with Justin's dad, and this weekend we're taking Abby to her first baseball game with Christina's parents. (Peanuts and cracker jacks, here we come!)
Please continue to pray for us and Abby's extended family as we wait for her to arrive. We know there are so many people who already love her so much and can't wait to meet her! Please pray that God would prepare us to shower her not only with our love, but to teach her about His perfect love as well. Pray also for wisdom and attentiveness as we attend our childbirth classes and prepare for the labor and delivery. Only six weeks to go!
Thinkin' pink,
Justin, Christina and Abby :)
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