Her parents, meanwhile, are getting more and more antsy as time ticks slowly by. Five weeks doesn't ordinarily seem like a long time, but this is like waiting for Christmas and your birthday and your wedding day all rolled in to one and multiplied about a million times. The novelty of pregnancy has worn off and Christina is ready for Abby's birthday to arrive soon! Her head down position is good news for Abby's delivery, but by the end of the day each day it means a lot of increased pressure on Christina's pelvis, forcing what we'll kindly refer to as a slow duck walk as she tries to get around.
Abby seems to be getting more and more responsive to sound and touch, and Justin is enjoying seeing and feeling her move in response to his voice and his hand on Christina's belly. Theory has it that when she's born, Abby will more readily recognize her dad's voice because it will sound similar to what she's been hearing in the womb, whereas so far she's only able to hear her mom's voice internally.
Our birthing classes are going well...we leave each week almost sound asleep after spending the final few minutes of each session practicing relaxation techniques for handling labor and delivery. Next week we'll take a tour of the labor and delivery area of the hospital and learn exactly what to do and were we'll go when Christina goes in to labor.
Please continue to pray for health and patience for mom and baby, and for wisdom for dad as he prepares for the responsibility of caring for not one, but two Fisher women now! Earlier this summer, a stranger at a restaurant in Destin offered us the following toast: "May your baby come a week before her due date." If you'd like to pray for that as well, neither of us would complain!
Wondering when,
Justin, Christina and Abby :)
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