Apparently, blue eyes are a recessive trait, and the recessive gene must be inherited from both parents in order for it to happen. Why is this worthy of mention on familyoffish.com? Because 10 out of 10 strangers in the grocery store agree that Abby's eyes are her best feature, and I've found they are by far her most complimented one. (Personally, I think her best feature is the fact that she sleeps almost 12 hours a night...but in our brief check-out line encounters, the eyes have it.)
So since Justin's dad and my mom both have blue eyes, there's a good chance our baby, despite her hazel-eyed parentage, could indeed keep these steel blue eyes that make adults swoon over her whenever we're out in public. (Or who knows...maybe she'll surprise us all and turn out to be a brown-eyed girl like her mama was growing up. )
I have a very important question to ask about another one of Abby's facial features...does she have a SQUISHY NOSE???