Blog Archive

Friday, May 25, 2007

Waitin' on Abby: Week 27

Abby's weighing in at just under 2 pounds this week and has grown about a half an inch in length to be almost 14 1/2 inches long, head to heel. Her eyelids, which up to this point have been fused shut, are functioning, and she can open and close her eyes now. She's developing regular sleep and wake cycles which are becoming easier to discern as Christina becomes more aware of her movements. (Although these cycles usually correspond to the opposite of whatever we're doing at the time!) She's probably sucking her thumb in the womb a lot now, and since Monday has frequently come down with a case of the hiccups. She's developing more and more brain tissue and her little baby brain is very active by now.

Great news! Christina went for her glucose and antibody screening this week (pause to brag: she managed to have blood drawn without crying!) and all reports came back good. The glucose screening returned normal, which means Christina's body is not having any problems processing sugar (so no signs of gestational diabetes). She'd like to chalk it up to all the practice she's given her body through the years in processing various candy products. The antibody screening returned negative, which means there are no signs yet of her body creating antibodies that would attack Abby if they have conflicting blood types. (As standard procedure, she'll receive a preventative shot for this anyway at her next appointment.) Praise God for continued health throughout this pregnancy!

On Monday Christina finally got to experience the unusual sensation of having someone hiccup inside her belly. Very strange indeed! This is becoming a regular experience for Abby, although we have no idea what causes it. Each bout of hiccups lasts only a few minutes and feels like, well, hiccups--only much lower.

Abby's little kicks and punches continue to get much stronger, and between the two of us we've at times been able to figure out how she's positioned in the womb. It's amazing how much she can make Christina's belly button stick out when she pokes a little foot up against it! She's very soothed by Justin's voice and will generally calm down whenever he talks to her (which makes getting to sleep much easier for Christina).

We're planning to take advantage of the Memorial Day weekend to start working on Abby's room. There's trim to be hung, walls to be painted and carpets to be cleaned!

Please continue to pray for Abby's healthy development as we wrap up the second trimester. We can't believe how time has flown by, and we know she'll be here in no time. We're so excited to finally meet this precious daughter God's promised us! Pray that we would use these last few months wisely as we prepare our hearts and our home for the awesome responsibility of parenthood.

Firmly in His grip,
Justin, Christina and Abby :)

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Waitin' on Abby: Week 26

Abby weighs a little under 2 pounds now and measures 14 inches, head to heel (we can't help thinking she must be awfully cramped in there). The nerve pathways in her ears are developing, and her response to sounds is growing more consistent. Her lungs are continuing their development as well, and she's begun taking small breaths of amniotic fluid to help prepare her for when she'll take her first breath of air. The pregnancy hormones are doing their job of loosening up Christina's joints and ligaments, making sitting or standing for long periods of time kind of a pain. Literally.

Greetings from the great state of Texas! Abby got to go on her first plane ride this morning to Dallas where we'll spend the weekend celebrating Justin's cousin's high school graduation. (Congrats Amy!) She stayed calm through the flight (Christina appreciated the couple of kick-free hours), so we're holding out hope that she'll be a good traveler once she gets out into the real world. With the exception of the time spent in the air, however, she's been on the move almost non-stop this week!

Abby's movements are getting stronger by the day and we're finding it more and more easy to discern little feet from little elbows. We haven't seen the footprints that other moms tell us we'll be able to make out on Christina's belly eventually, but her movements are definitely visible to others when Christina holds still. Abby seems to be turning into a daddy's girl already--it's entertaining to see and feel how she'll calm down when Justin rubs or lays his hand on Christina's belly. (A welcome break for mom, indeed!)

As we prepare to enter the homestretch (the third and final trimester is just around the corner!), we're excited and thankful for all the help, advice and resources that friends and family have so freely offered. What a blessing to be surrounded by so many people who care for us and our little one so practically and prayerfully! Please pray that we'll find time to do all the little things that need to get done before Abby's big debut in August. There's a room to be painted, furniture to be put together, and so much more that I'm sure we haven't even thought of. Pray that we would find the time to do it all, but that our focus would stay on the God who loves us unconditionally and who is the reason for this miracle!

And now back to helping Amy celebrate her big day...

Dreamin' of some Texas BBQ,
Justin, Christina & Abby :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Summer's coming...

The excitement is picking up as we head into the third trimester. Summer's almost here (measured in our adult world by the wrapping up of Bible studies in May and an impending beach vacation) and that means the countdown begins. Time to get that floral border off the wall in Abby's room, brighten things up with some Apple Slice green and Fairy Dust pink, and watch my belly continue to expand. Oh...and figure out this blogging thing.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Waitin' on Abby: Week 25

Abby's finally beginning to fill out and put on some baby fat, though she's still looking long and lean at 13 1/2 inches long head to heels and weighing just a pound and a half. But she's packing quite a punch in that little frame--literally! Abby's movements have grown much stronger in the last week and are actually visible as she kicks, punches and rolls around in the womb. Watching Christina's belly take on a life of its own has been quite entertaining this week.

All reports from our doctor's visit this week came back good. Abby's heartbeat is strong and her growth is right on target. Christina's iron levels are right where they should be and her growth--though it has jumped significantly since the last visit--is on target as well. We'll go next week for Christina to have a standard glucose screening (a not-so-fun test where she'll have her blood drawn, again) and Justin to have his blood type confirmed. Because Christina has a negative blood type and Justin is most likely positive, Christina will have to get a shot at 28 weeks to prevent her body from developing antibodies against the potentially positive blood type Abby could have. Not to fear--this is just another standard procedure that is very common in pregnancies with conflicting blood types.

Thanks so much to those of you who were praying for more restful nights for us this week--we have definitely felt your prayers being answered (although Abby still takes advantage of our rest time as her play time)! Thanks also for your continued prayers for our little girl's healthy development. It's a great mystery that God uses our prayers to accomplish His purpose, but a great privilege to be able to bring those requests before His throne. Thank you for taking advantage of such a tremendous opportunity to lift up prayers on behalf of our daughter and our family!

And Happy Mother's Day!

Thinking pink,

Justin, Christina & Abby :)

Friday, May 4, 2007

Waitin' on Abby: Week 24

Abby's growing steadily, gaining about a quarter of a pound since last week. She's almost a foot long, and still weighs less than a pound and a half, which makes for a pretty lean figure, but her body is filling out proportionally and she'll begin putting on some baby fat soon. Her taste buds are developing, her brain is growing rapidly, and her lungs are producing a substance that will help the air sacs inflate easily when she takes her first breath.
Abby's growth is becoming ever more obvious to the outside world as Christina's belly continues to expand to make room for our little girl. Her waistline measured in at 36 inches this week--that's a whole inch and a half in gain since last week! But it makes sense, since her uterus is about the size of a soccer ball now.
Abby's been very active in the womb this week, and we'll admit that the strength of her little kicks makes it easier to think of her as a star soccer player than a helpless little baby. Seeing an eight-week-old little girl at the coffee shop last night helped put things in perspective as to how tiny she's going to be when she's born. But boy is she strong now! A friend at church told Christina that a baby's fetal personality often gives a glimpse into what she'll be like as she gets a little older. If so, we've got a little ball of fire on our hands!
Please pray for rest for us both in these few remaining weeks as Abby's nighttime activity has picked up and is making for a few sleepless nights. We thank you for your continued prayers for our baby girl's healthy growth and development, and for an easy pregnancy for Christina. Praise God that as we read about and study pictures of what Abby's development might look like right now, He knows every little detail of everything that's happening in Christina's womb. What a hopeful reassurance to know that our daughter's heavenly Father is looking out for her!